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ketogenic lifestyle

9 In Keto Life/ Natural Mom

Natural Keto Friendly Coffee | Focus, Energy, Weight Loss

Coffee…how I love thee. Seriously, I am a bit obsessed with coffee. If we are friends on Insta, you know this! And not even because I have 8 children and need the caffeine – I could drink decaf all day as long as it is strong and delicious. Waking up early in the morning is so much easier when I know I have a strong cup of coffee waiting }for me! The aroma, the ritual of it first thing in…

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11 In Food & Recipes/ Keto Life

A Simple Way to Feed Your Family Healthy Food

Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? If you have been around here for any amount of time, you likely know how passionate I am about healthy living. I am a busy homeschooling mom of seven, with an online business…but I still make my health and the health of my family a top priority. I have always had a passion for health and nutrition, as far as I can remember. I even went to college with a premed…

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9 In Keto Life

5 High Fat Foods To Help You Lose Weight

We have heard it before: Gram for gram, fat has more than twice the calories of protein or carbohydrates, and eating too many calories leads to weight gain; therefore, people should eat less fat. Right? Not so fast. While reducing calories does work for short-term weight loss, sustainable, long-term weight loss is a bit more complicated. According to the The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, long-term weight loss depends on how the body processes and interacts with food and all its nutrients, not just its calories. How else could…

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11 In Healthy Living/ Keto Life

New Year Health and Fitness Challenge

It is hard to believe that the New Year is almost already here! This past year flew by in some aspects and slowly crept along in others. Right? My family experienced so many changes this year – some unexpected and other planned out and executed. At this time last year, I had a brand new baby and now he is already a year old! It’s been interesting juggling eight kids with all we have had going on over the year.…

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15 In Food & Recipes/ Healthy Living/ Keto Life

Instant Pot Low Carb Beef Stew

Thank goodness for this Instant Pot beef stew recipe! After starting a Keto diet, I was missing my favorite comfort foods. Typically, beef stew consists of lots of carbs, which isn’t something you want to indulge in when trying to maintain ketosis. Thankfully, this beef stew allows me to indulge without feeling any guilt! A traditional beef stew, with fall-apart tender beef, vegetables, and rich broth, is almost impossible to pull off on a weeknight. It can take two to three…

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7 In Healthy Living/ Keto Life/ Natural Mom

Free Ditch The Sugar Challenge

SUGAR… I have a love-hate relationship with sugar. I mean, I love chocolate…really love it. Cookies, and brownies, and cakes are my weakness. But I also hate sugar for the way it makes me feel. It’s so addictive! And I can’t stand the sugar crashes after the spikes. It’s always been a crazy cycle for me: cutting back on sugar so I can feel better and then giving in to temptation and going overboard. After starting a Keto diet, I…

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12 In Healthy Living/ Motherhood

Stay Healthy With Kids During The Winter

Staying healthy with kids during the winter is hard for anyone. If you are a mom of little ones, it can seem impossible. If you are a mom of lots of little people, it can seem…daunting, to say the least. Thankfully, my family has been pretty healthy over the years. We only caught the flu once a few years ago, and it was the B strain, which is the milder of the two. We do get colds and some respiratory…

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8 In Food & Recipes/ Keto Life

Keto Cauliflower and Bacon Au Gratin

This post is sponsored by Stella® Cheese but the content and opinions expressed here are my own. Now that Thanksgiving is over, all the focus goes towards Christmas planning, doesn’t it? And with the thought of Christmas comes all those gorgeous gourmet meals. When you are following the Keto diet, holiday meals can seem a little intimidating! I was lucky enough to find some amazing Keto Thanksgiving Recipes to enjoy and I will be scouring to do the same for…

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16 In Keto Life

The Best Keto Thanksgiving Recipes

A Keto lifestyle during the holidays might seem daunting. But it can be done! You can enjoy the festivities of Thanksgiving while staying on the Keto diet and enjoying your food. “How is that possible?” you may ask. Well, with a little planning ahead and some delicious keto recipes that will trump all of the carb filled dishes that scatter the table. By surrounding yourself with healthier versions of your favorite keto holiday dishes, you will feel much better when…

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0 In Food & Recipes/ Keto Life

Keto Peanut Butter Cookies

Chunky, smooth, swirled with sugar free jam; no matter how you enjoy it, peanut butter is a classic favorite! This is your Grandma’s classic cookie recipe brought up to Keto SPEED! Chewy and delicious, these treats are perfect for sharing!Whether you are new to the ketogenic lifestyle, or have been enjoying it for awhile, you’ll love how easy and delicious these are!     Peanut Butter Cookies ½ cup coconut flour 1 cup granulated Sucralose 1 cup peanut butter, no…

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