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Bible Study

0 In Bible Study/ Motherhood

Finding Time for Faith: A Busy Mom’s Guide to Daily Bible Study

In the whirlwind of daily life, with all its joys and challenges, finding time to sit down and delve into the Bible can feel like an impossible task. I get it; your days are filled to the brim with endless to-do lists, juggling kids, household chores, work commitments, and everything in between. It’s easy to push aside the idea of spending time in God’s Word when your plate is already overflowing. However, let me encourage you to consider why carving…

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0 In Bible Study

Finding Peace Amidst Chaos: How God’s Word Helps Overcome Overwhelm

In the midst of juggling family, work, and the chaos of everyday life, it’s all too easy to feel overwhelmed. As a mom, you might often find yourself questioning how to maintain your faith and composure when the world around you feels like it’s spinning out of control. The answer lies in remaining Deeply Rooted in God’s Word, a source of strength, wisdom, and solace that can help you conquer overwhelm.   The Power of God’s Word Psalm 119:105 (NIV)…

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0 In Bible Study

20 Bible Verses to Help Calm Anxiety

Anxiety is a common experience that can manifest in various forms such as racing thoughts, difficulty sleeping, and physical symptoms like headaches and stomach aches. There are varying degrees of anxiety, from occasional anxious thoughts to crippling anxiety. It can be challenging to manage and can interfere with daily activities and relationships. Please use discernment to know when to seek professional help. However, God’s Word should always be our first source of comfort. The Bible is living and active today…

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0 In Bible Study/ Homeschooling

10 Plagues Coloring Pack for Kids

10 Plagues of Egypt Coloring Pack These coloring pages are designed for elementary age, but you can use your discretion and use them with any age you think would enjoy them. Coloring is a relaxing activity for any age and can even improve retention when listening to someone read. I like the give the younger kids some coloring pages when I am working with some of my olders kids during our homeschool mornings. This post contains affiliate links.   You’ll…

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0 In Bible Study

His Perfect Love Scripture Writing Plan {February}

HIS PERFECT LOVE CASTS OUT FEAR I’m so excited about our February Scripture Writing Plan – Perfect Love! This month we are focusing on God’s love for us, our love for Him and the love we should have for one another. As you write these scriptures, I hope you will be blessed and reminded that you are so incredibly loved by our Heavenly Father. “Love for God is obedience; love for God is holiness. To love God and to love man…

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0 In Bible Study

Miracles of Jesus Scripture Writing Plan {January}

MIRACLES We all want to believe in miracles. When we are part of God’s family, we have the ability to not only believe, but to see miracles performed by God. He shows us his power and majesty through the miracles that Jesus performed. These miracles are a reminder of God’s great love for us and of His ability to do more than we can ever dream or imagine. Each miracle was recorded to remind us that God is almighty, that…

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0 In Bible Study

Scripture Writing Plan – The Book of Philippians in 30 Days

I have been an advocate for writing down Scripture as long as I can remember. Sometimes I follow a plan like my From the Heart monthly plans and other times I will just copy down a verse that I want to memorize or one that came to be in prayer. Occasionally, I will take the Verse of the Day from the Bible app and write in down in my planner. Regardless of how I come up with the verses that I…

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8 In Bible Study

90 Day Chronological Bible Reading Plan

Have you ever read through the whole Bible? I have done it a few times and loved it. There was one year that I read through the Bible in 90 days with a small group of friends. That was an experience, to say the least! I know there are different schools of thought when it comes to reading the Bible. I have read my Bible in various ways, and have learned much through each way. I do not think there…

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5 In Bible Study

He Reads Truth Bible – A Review and Coupon Code

I absolutely love having many different Bibles around the house to use during my reading and studying time. Having different Bible translations and types of Bibles has helped me tremendously in my endeavor to grow as a student of the Word. One Bible I love is the She Reads Truth Bible (you can see my Bible recommendations in this post), which is why I was so excited to hear that they just released the He Reads Truth Bible for our…

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1 In Bible Study

The Tony Evans Study Bible Review + A Giveaway!

I have multiple Bibles and I love it. I use different translations when I study and love using different Bibles for different purposes. So when I had the opportunity to review the new Tony Evans Study Bible, I immediately said yes! I had a feeling my husband would love it…and turns out I was right!   The Tony Evans Study Bible was written by Tony Evans, and adapted from 50 years of his teachings, sermons, and writings. Tony has said…

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