2 In Homeschooling/ Organizing/ Planning

Plan Your Homeschool Week at a Glance || Printable

We are back with our 10 Days of Homeschool Printables! Yesterday we talked about planning out your month with focus, and I hope you took the time to print out your 12 month focus planner. You can use it in any area you want more focus, whether that is your homeschool or not.

Today, it is only natural that we move from planning out your month to planning your week.

I use a Week At A Glance printable to quickly see what we have going on in the upcoming week. This isn’t a strict schedule or a highly planned out vision, it just allows me to take a quick glance at our week before I start planning any details.

Plan your Homeschool Week with a Week at a Glace free printable. 10 days of free homeschool printables series #homeschool #homeschoolplanner #homeschooltips #hstipsformoms

Your Week At A Glance

I like to keep this printable right before my full weekly plan in my planner. Sometimes, I will pull it out and stick it on my fridge for a quick glance. I use this At A Glance page for exactly that – to see my week at a glance – not to write down every detail of my upcoming week. This is the big picture of my week. Sometimes, this is all I need for the week! You know those weeks where you don’t really have to pan much- maybe those lazy summer months? That is what this printable is great for.

I don’t necessarily stick this in my homeschool planner, but you easily could. You could keep track of events, tests or reports due, library books to return, activities for the day.

I have a separate meal planning printable, so I only use the meal plan space here to jot down quick meal ideas I may want to transfer to my meal plan when I sit down to do that.

If you love checking off boxes like I do, you’ll appreciate all the space to write down your weekly tasks and notes!





This post is part of a 10 day series of Homeschool Printables! Click the button below to see all the posts and get your free printables!


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  • Reply
    susie liberatore
    June 12, 2018 at 8:43 am

    Love this thanks for sharing very informative.

  • Reply
    Melissa Javan
    June 14, 2018 at 1:20 pm

    Thank you for this. I just started having my two year old at home and I’ve been wondering about homeschooling.

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