Check out this cool list of watermelon activities for kids! Kids of all ages will love trying out these watermelon ideas and activities and having fun this summer making crafts, experimenting, and learning! This list includes 20 awesome watermelon activities with lots of fun ideas and watermelon themed activities to do with your kids this summer. There are watermelon activities you can do indoors or outdoors, watermelon crafts of all sorts, watermelon science activities, and watermelon learning activities. Your kids…
Meal planning and grocery lists go hand in hand, right? I have explained a few times how important I think meal planning is, and having a list attached to that meal plan makes shopping that much easier. I don’t know about you, but I am way too busy to keep things in my head anymore! I always make my meal plan on Saturday and then make my grocery list right after. I keep it on my fridge throughout the week…
The 4th Of July is almost here already! I don’t know about you, but my little ones love to do activities based around the upcoming holidays. It doesn’t matter if it’s something simple, like tracing or coloring, or an extravagant project that takes awhile to put together. I prefer the simple! I have made some coloring pages for my kids and thought your kids might enjoy them too! This 4TH OF JULY Coloring pack has 6 fun sheets…
If you’ve been around me for any length of time, you know I am a huge proponent for meal planning. I believe meal planning is crucial to the way my family functions. When I do not take the time to sit down and meal plan for the week, even on a small scale, it throws the week into chaos and I can’t seem to ever catch up. I take some time each Saturday and write out a meal…
I find as a homeschool mom, it is imperative to my sanity and the health of my family that I keep my home is somewhat of an orderly fashion. This doesn’t mean my home is Pinterest worthy – it isn’t, at all. But my home is a safe place for my family and I endeavor to create an atmosphere where they feel welcomed and comfortable. Because I am a busy homeschooling mom of 8, with a home business, I…
We are back with our 10 Days of Homeschool Printables! Yesterday we talked about planning out your month with focus, and I hope you took the time to print out your 12 month focus planner. You can use it in any area you want more focus, whether that is your homeschool or not. Today, it is only natural that we move from planning out your month to planning your week. I use a Week At A Glance printable to quickly…
It’s that time of year when we all breathe a little sigh of relief, knowing that summer is here. Or do we? I do tend to breathe a bit easier, but that could be out of excitement too. Spring and early summer is the time of year when I start to plan my next homeschool year. I love all the planning of it, from picking curriculum to watching sales for school supplies, to creating schedules. I don’t know about you,…
Most homeschool moms I know love all the planning that goes into homeschooling. We plan, knowing full well that our plans likely will go awry as the school year goes on. But still, we do it anyway! We watch videos about curriculum plans and schedules and chat non stop about our intended plans for the upcoming school year. And we all love it. Introducing… THE SIMPLE HOMESCHOOL PLANNER! NOTE: I have now used this same planner for 7 years…
If you are a blogger or online business owner, you have likely heard of Canva. I know most people use PicMonkey or Canva to make Pinterest images for their blog, among other things. I started with PicMonkey and then transferred over to Canva for awhile to see what all the fuss was about. While I still use PicMonkey on occasion, I am now a Canva girl at heart. However, even after using Canva, it took me awhile to make…
July is right around the corner! I know many of us are not in school during the month of July, but that doesn’t mean our children can’t keep up with some skills! Even when we are not “in school” my children still read and write every day. And when there are fun worksheets and projects presented, they love doing them, no matter the month! So, I try to always have educational things on hand for them to pick up at…