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10 days of homeschool planning

0 In Homeschooling

How To Create Consistent Routines For a Successful Day

Creating consistent routines requires intentional planning and a commitment to stick with them to create habits. When you are a homeschool mom, daily routines become even more crucial to a successful day. If you are uncomfortable with the notion of routines, you can think of these more as rhythms – a natural flow to your day that becomes more streamlined with regular practice.   We will talk about how to create specific morning and evening routines in another post, but…

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0 In Homeschooling

Self-Care in Homeschooling: Strategies and Tips for Moms to Thrive and Recharge

Being a homeschooling mom is a rewarding and fulfilling journey. It has been one of the best decisions for our family. The benefits far outweigh the challenges; but homeschooling can also be demanding and challenging. Balancing the responsibilities of educating your children while managing a household can leave you feeling overwhelmed and drained. Amidst the busyness, it’s essential to prioritize self-care and carve out time for your own well-being. Taking care of yourself is not only beneficial for your mental,…

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6 In Homeschooling

Create Your Weekly Homeschool Schedule

Creating a weekly homeschool schedule can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! The first few years we homeschooled, I was flying by the seat of my pants. I thought I wasn’t really a schedule kind of person and therefore, my children weren’t either. Turns out, I was wrong. It took me a few years to find a rhythm and routine that flowed well for our family. Once I found what works, I can’t tell you the…

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0 In Homeschooling

Prepare Your Homeschool Materials Ahead Of Time

If you have any homeschool curriculum that takes a lot of preparing, you’ll appreciate this printable. Without fail, every year I have a stack of papers that need to be laminated and an even bigger stack that needs to be copied. When you are teaching multiple students, the photocopying can seem never ending! To be honest, I don’t actually mind the laminating. There’s something soothing about it to me, and the kids love seeing the papers transform in the laminator.…

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0 In Homeschooling

Organizing Your Digital Homeschool Resources

If you have been homeschooling for any length of time, you likely have amassed a pile of digital resources. This could be homeschool curriculum, websites and login information, online classes or tutorials or a vast number of other things. I know in the beginning of my homeschool journey, I purchased a lot of digital curriculum, because I knew I could just print it out again for the next child when needed. I wish I had realized then that my lack…

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0 In Homeschooling

Get Your Homeschool Supplies Together With Free Printable

Back To Homeschool season isn’t quite here yet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t start planning! Part of planning means stocking up on school supplies and who doesn’t like that? My kids and I love going to the office supply store and stocking up for the year! And then they love when we go back again halfway through our year! Before we can actually do the shopping for school supplies, I make sure to sit down and make a list…

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9 In Homeschooling

Planning Out Your Homeschool Curriculum

Planning our curriculum…. the phrase gets us homeschool moms all excited, doesn’t it?   I don’t know about you, but I seriously love all things planning. I plan and then I plan again, and then I switch things around so I can plan some more. Just kidding!   But really, summer is already here, and as a homeschooling mom, this means I need to start planning for our upcoming school year. I find the best time to plan the new…

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1 In Homemaking/ Homeschooling/ Organizing

Free Grocery List Printable For Moms

Meal planning and grocery lists go hand in hand, right? I have explained a few times how important I think meal planning is, and having a list attached to that meal plan makes shopping that much easier. I don’t know about you, but I am way too busy to keep things in my head anymore! I always make my meal plan on Saturday and then make my grocery list right after. I keep it on my fridge throughout the week…

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4 In Homeschooling/ Organizing

Free Meal Planning Printable for Moms

If you’ve been around me for any length of time, you know I am a huge proponent for meal planning. I believe meal planning is crucial to the way my family functions.   When I do not take the time to sit down and meal plan for the week, even on a small scale, it throws the week into chaos and I can’t seem to ever catch up.   I take some time each Saturday and write out a meal…

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9 In Family/ Homeschooling/ Organizing

Free Housekeeping Checklist For Moms

I find as a homeschool mom, it is imperative to my sanity and the health of my family that I keep my home is somewhat of an orderly fashion. This doesn’t mean my home is Pinterest worthy – it isn’t, at all. But my home is a safe place for my family and I endeavor to create an atmosphere where they feel welcomed and comfortable.   Because I am a busy homeschooling mom of 8, with a home business, I…

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