0 In Family/ Organizing

Declutter Challenge {Day 29} Hot Spot

Well, we are back at our Declutter Challenge with another quick Hot Spot! If you’ve been following along, you know we just did this a couple days ago. Today – just pick a different spot to declutter. I hope you were all inspired to do this as a regular part of your weekly chores. If you keep it up, you’ll find your Hot Spots diminishing. Can you imagine a day where you don’t have those spots? Yeah, I can’t either….

Declutter Challenge Hot Spot

Day 29: Hot Spot

Hot Spots are not going to just go away without a little bit of effort and consistency. The hot spots in my home are my kitchen counter, the entryway table and my desk. I know how frustrating it can be to see piles accumulate as quickly as we clear them. That is why FlyLady calls them hot spots- we want to put out the fire as quickly as possible. Decide on one hot spot you want to deal with today and let’s get moving.


  1. Clear everything off of your chosen hot spot.
  2. Go through that pile as quickly as possible and discard anything you no longer need.
  3. Hot spots accumulate because we don’t know where to put things. Decide right now to put everything in it’s proper place. At this point in our Declutter Challenge, you should have a proper place for most things.
  4. Use the systems that we already put in place this month, depending on your hot spot of choice – file or shred papers, put clothing where it belongs or donate it etc.
  5. This should be a quick 5-10 minutes, it is called a Hot Spot to get you  moving quickly.
  6. Depending on the spot you are working on, could you put a decorative vase or something else beautiful so you will be more apt to keep the spot free from clutter?
  7. Now that you are finished, accept the fact that you will likely always have hot spots. However, now that you know how to clear them quickly, it doesn’t have to frustrate you any longer. We will be tackling another Hot Spot in a few days, so start thinking about your next one.


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