3 In Beautycounter/ Work From Home

Becoming a Beautycounter Consultant – Your FAQs Answered

There’s nothing quite like answering honest questions when you fully stand behind and love the company you represent. Right? I truly get excited when other moms reach out with questions about starting a Beautycounter business. That means- they are sincerely curious and usually open minded, and that they are just like me! I never start anything without doing my due diligence. So, congrats on asking questions, mama!

I will do my best to answer the questions I get asked most frequently about becoming a Beautycounter consultant. If you have more questions, you can always find me on Instagram or send me an email (cleanbeautywithterryn@gmail.com) with “Beautycounter” in the subject.

Your Beautycounter Consultant FAQs – Answered: 


#1 Question! How much does it cost to get started?

Right now, we are offering a digital enrollment package at only $50. Yes, really. That fee includes your personal website, access to your backend consultant hub and all the training you need. We have a few different starter sets to fit any budget and need. You even have the option of earning a minimum of $100 back in product credit in your first month (plus your commission!).  If you are already a Band of Beauty member, you can upgrade to a consultant account for only $21 AT ANY TIME.

 In the month of July, you can start your business for only $20

What is the average Beautycounter consultant income?

I cannot answer this one with complete accuracy, of course. Your income depends on many factors, including how much work you put into your business. I can tell you that I have never seen a compensation plan set up quite like that if Beautycounter. It is set up to help you earn income and free product right away. 

Consultants start at a 25% commission and that increases to 35% based on your performance. When you decide to build a team of like minded women, the compensation plan gets even more rewarding! When you join arms with others with the intent of building each other up, amazing things happen! 


Do I need to host parties?

We do have something called socials, which may be similar to what you are asking. You can host in person socials, with a host opening her own home to her friends. Or you can host socials online, either through yourself or someone else. Based on the sales of that social, the rewards go from one product at 50% off up to 5 products at 50% off and 5 free products. The benefits are many to hosting socials. The average social has sales of around $550, and if you think of your commission from that, you can see why many consultants choose to do them. They open up your circle as well. However, this is your business, and if you choose not to do socials, you don’t have to. I have never hosted a social…

Is the Band of Beauty Member the same as a Consultant?

Nope, not at all! The Band of Beauty Membership is like Beautycounter’s VIP rewards program. It is set up to reward those clients who love our products but are not ready to become consultants. It is a phenomenal program and I suggest it to everyone! Members can get free shipping, 10% back in product credit, a free gift upon joining and more! You can read all about Band of Beauty here.

Is there a discount for Beautycounter consultants? 

Absolutely! We can shop with our 25% discount and occasionally get offers at a steeper discount and pre-sales for consultants. Beautycounter treats us well! 

Is Beautycounter a Pyramid Scheme?

If I had a dollar for every time I have heard this! So, a pyramid scheme is actually illegal. It is the idea of recruiting people under you with the promise of making money, but with no actual payments. I can assure you that Beautycounter consultants actually make money! You get paid based on your efforts. If you want to treat your business as a hobby in order to earn free product, great! However, if you are willing to put the time and effort in, you will get paid like a business. 

Will I have the support and training that I need to succeed?

Without a doubt! And I don’t say this lightly. I have been with other companies and worked with other teams, and haven’t seen anything quite like what we have here. The women who partner with Beautycounter truly care – not only about what they are putting on and in their bodies, but they care about the greater good. We want to see change and we truly want to help educate others.

As far as training, we have so many resources for you. When you join, you’ll have access to an entire online university. Here you will have all your training, from beginning consultant and beyond. We are always learning, so we cam continue to educate others. We also have team groups you’ll be added to, and smaller chats and text groups, if you choose. I am personally here as your mentor and will be there to answer questions, to guide you, but also to empower you to build a business you can truly call your own for life.

Is there a monthly minimum in sales?

There is no monthly minimum for sales, but there is a 6 month sales minimum of $750. Trust me when I say this should not stress you out. If you are joining Beautycounter to build a business, you will be sure to meet that without question. Even if you do not meet that $750 in 6 months, you will not be penalized. You will end up just becoming a Band of Beauty member instead! 

What makes Beautycounter different from other beauty direct sales companies?

Oh, where do I start?! There are so many other beauty companies out there, even some natural companies. So, why did I choose Beautycounter over others? I highly suggest reading this post, as it answers this very question! 

But, to put it simply:

  • Beautycounter leads with education, not sales. This is extremely important to me! If you have been here for any amount of time, you know that I research and read, and research some more. I am a homeschooling mom of 8, if that helps you understand my passion for education! Beautycounter leads with education and a passion for educating consumers on the lack of regulation and why it is vital to choose safer products for ourselves and our families. Beautycounter is lobbying congress, and becoming a force for change. It is an incredible thing to be part of, something I couldn’t find elsewhere. 
  • The last law to change in the cosmetics industry was in 1938. How is that ok? The EU has banned 1400 ingredients when the U.S has only banned 30. Why? Of the 80,000 plus chemicals used today, over 80% have NEVER been tested for human safety. Once I learned that, I knew I could never look back. I am raising 6 daughters and we shouldn’t have to worry every time we put something on our skin.
  • Beautycounter’s products are high performing, their screening process is the most rigorous, and sourcing is impeccable. They are transparent in ALL they do. They literally tell you every single ingredient in every single product. The have a “Never List” of over 1500 ingredients they will never use in their products. They are also ahead of the times, coming out with skincare that has never been seen or done before. 
  • The community of Beautycounter is unlike anything I have ever been part of before. I wake up excited that I get to make a real difference in the lives of other women. I get to meet like minded moms who want to do better for their families, after learning better. I am part of a company that is making a real difference in the world, not a company focused on selling products. That doesn’t come around often, you know. Beautycounter has given me an honest way of providing for my family, feeling better about the products we use in our home and in turn, blessing others. 



Becoming a Beautycounter Consultant FAQs

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  • Reply
    July 9, 2020 at 2:39 pm

    Thank you for sharing this insightful information about becoming a Beautycounter consultant! It sounds like a nice side business opportunity. You’re detailed answers to commonly asked questions was very helpful.

  • Reply
    Robin jones
    July 14, 2020 at 10:02 pm

    I would love to do this! How do I start?

    • Reply
      July 15, 2020 at 8:39 am

      Hey Robin! That’s so exciting! If you are ready, you can sign up directly in this post. There’s links to sign up. But if you have questions or you want to chat first, I would love to do that as well. We can chat on the phone or email. Let me know and welcome to the team!

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