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keto tips

29 In Keto Life

How To Get Started With Intermittent Fasting

There’s a lot of talk about Intermittent Fasting lately. Everyone wants to know if intermittent fasting will benefit them and then how to actually get started.   Intermittent fasting isn’t a new phenomenon. When we eat this way, we are really mimicking the life of our ancestors. Food was not available to them 24 hours a day.   Fasting is not a form of starving ourselves, either. Essentially, it is just an extension of what we already do. Most of…

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6 In Food & Recipes/ Keto Life

21 Of The Best Keto Fat Bomb Recipes

If you are following a Ketogenic diet, you have probably heard of Fat Bombs. Fat Bombs are a staple in our house. With a large family, we go through them like crazy. I try and make at least 2 different kinds each week and store them in the freezer for a quick snack. We all have our favorites, and I am sure you will too after reading through this list!   What Are Fat Bombs? Fat Bombs are edible little…

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10 In Keto Life

7 Top Tips For Your Keto Lifestyle

If you have been trying to follow a Ketogenic diet, you may be a little overwhelmed. Information overload, right? A Ketogenic lifestyle has so many benefits…endless benefits, really. I have lost 70 pounds, have never felt better, and highly recommend this lifestyle to anyone who wants to get healthier, lose weight, have more energy, better digestion….pretty much anything!   However, I know some people get stuck in the research phase and don’t know where to start. They think their diet…

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6 In Keto Life

Ketogenic Diet 101

 KETO…it’s a thing, isn’t it? Everyone is talking about Keto, and you may be wondering why? What is the deal with the Ketogenic diet and how does it work? First, you should know that I don’t consider the Ketogenic diet an actual diet… I don’t diet. Diets are temporary and often don’t teach what really needs to be taught. This is a lifestyle. It is the way our ancestors ate and a way we should go back to.   A…

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