5 In Homeschooling

Our Homeschool Preschool Curriculum || 2019-2020

It’s hard to believe we are getting ready for another homeschool year already! This school year I will be teaching six students, with the youngest student being in her second year of preschool. I have always loved the preschool years. They are filled with such wonder and curiosity. Preschoolers are such little people and it is during these years that their personalities really start to shine.


Since us homeschoolers love to shop for curriculum, I am sharing all of our curriculum choices with you! Today I am sharing what we are using for our preschool curriculum for the 2019 – 2020 school year. We technically school year round, with the longest break being about six weeks long.


This post will just show you our curriculum choices for the year. I will be doing in depth reviews of all our curriculum here on the blog and on my YouTube channel, so make sure you are subscribed to both so you get notice!


Keep in mind, I am going through the preschool years for the sixth time. I also have a baby in the house who tags along with her big sister.


This post contains affiliate links and some of this curriculum was sent to me for my honest review. 


Read on to check out our homeschool preschool curriculum choices for the year, as well as out past choices for this age group.


Our Homeschool Preschool Curriculum Choices:


  • Foundation Phonics from MasterBooks

This will be the “foundation” of her lessons this year. I am keeping it pretty basic for preschool this year, after learning from plenty of experience. Preschool is really about learning through daily life, and this age group really tends to soak up a wealth of knowledge just from normal everyday life.




  • ABC Mouse (a favorite that we use daily)


You can get your first month free but an annual membership is on sale right now!

  • Leapfrog Letter Factory (and others!)

We love the Leapfrog DVDs for this age. All of my children have enjoyed watching them and they really do teach skills! I bought this variety pack because I have so many children to pass them down to, and they get a lot of use! This is a great option when you need to work with some of your older children.

  • Morning Time

I started implementing Morning Time a few years ago after being disheartened so often when we didn’t get to all the “extras.” Now, we start our days with Morning Time, which looks a little different depending on the season. I will be sharing more on this topic, but you can get an idea on how we do this in this video. Keep in mind I was very pregnant in this video!


And that is pretty much all I have actual planned for homeschool preschool for the 2019-2020 school year. Of course, I will add outside activities and games and read plenty of books with her. But the curriculum will be kept pretty simple.


If you are interested in a few more ideas for preschool, you can see what we used for the 2018-2019 school year and the 2017-2018 school year below.






Homeschool Preschool Curriculum choices for 2019-2020

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  • Reply
    Jennifer Enoch
    May 22, 2019 at 8:32 pm

    My sister just started homeschooling her oldest daughter. Next in line is her preschooler. This post is perfect timing. I’m going to send her in your direction. Thank you for sharing the resources that are working for you, this is the first time she’s ever doing it and she’s a bit lost.

  • Reply
    May 23, 2019 at 6:37 am

    I agree that the early years are more about learning through real-life, hands-on activities and as a result have taken (and will continue to take) a laid back approach. I’ve always wondered if ABC Mouse was worth it… I’ll have to jump on that free month and check it out!

  • Reply
    May 23, 2019 at 11:31 am

    Sometimes I wish homeschooling was legal here in AT, because you make it look like so much fun! We love Leapfrog and ABC Mouse already, and I love finding resources to keep learning fun and to encourage more educational activities at home, even after the boys come home from school. Thanks for sharing these!

  • Reply
    May 24, 2019 at 2:52 am

    I’m so intimidated by homeschooling! This helps me. Thanks for the tips!

  • Reply
    May 24, 2019 at 9:37 am

    So many great resources!! We love LeapFrog and I’m definitely going to check out the other options to see if they’ll work for us in the future.

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