0 In Family/ Organizing

Declutter Challenge {Day 26} Clothes

Oooh, ladies…this one is a big one! If you haven’t been following along yet, we have been taking a challenge this whole month to declutter our homes a little each day. Today, we are tackling our clothing. I know this might be a hard one for those of you that are very attached to your clothing, but let’s see what we can do…

Declutter Challenge Clothes


Day 26: Clothes

Closets vary in sizes and storage solutions, of course. You may share a closet with your spouse or have a walk in closet of your own. You  may have a couple drawers to store your clothes or a couple bureaus. Whatever storage solution you have for your clothes, you can make it work. The key to prolonging the life of your clothes in storing them them properly.


  1. Remove and put away any items that belong in other rooms. I know as a mom I constantly find other people’s clothes in my bedroom.
  2. Go through every single piece of clothing you own. Decide first- does it fit? Is it flattering? Is it in good condition? Have you worn it in the last six months? This may require that you try on items, one at a time. Sort your clothing into three piles—keep, donate and maybe. When I did this myself, I discovered I had clothing in 4 different sizes! Pre-pregnancy, post partum, heavier, and lighter 🙂 I decided to get rid of a lot of my clothes knowing that I am working out daily and am only going to keep at it.
  3. If you truly need to store seasonal clothing, decide how many of each item you need. Do you need 4 sweatshirts???
  4. Consider the “maybe” pile you made – discard anything you do not love right away. If something needs to be fixed in order for you to wear it, decide if it can be done right away or if you should toss it now.
  5. Try to keep only items that you love and that make you feel good, that actually fit and flatter your body type. Stop holding onto clothing that you might fit into someday. I say this out of love and understanding. We all do it, but it’s time to let go.
  6. Now that you have pared down your wardrobe considerably, put away all items you are keeping in an orderly fashion. Fold clothes that need to be folded and hang items that should be hung. Consider organizing by color or type.
  7. If you want to go into this even more, I recommend the book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. I read it and was inspired, even though I don;t follow all her recommendations. It is worth reading!



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