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work at home

0 In Red Aspen

Your Next Steps As A Red Aspen Brand Ambassador

CONGRATULATIONS! You are now a Red Aspen Brand Ambassador! You have your own business!    I am sure you are feeling that nervous excitement and are ready to dive in! I remember when I joined – it was right before Black Friday and I was so pumped to start my business at the busiest time of year! Thankfully, I had a lot of experience in direct sales, blogging and social media, and had years of experience as a nail tech.…

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4 In Uncategorized

What Happens When I Become A LipSense Distributor?

Congratulations on starting your own Senegence/LipSense business! I am sure you are thrilled, but you also may be a bit lost as to what to do next. Don’t be worried about that, I am going to help you through everything! (If you haven’t signed up yet, you can do so HERE).   After you sign up, you will receive some emails. You will get an email from Senegence, welcoming you to the company and giving you some important information about…

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32 In Uncategorized

Should You Become A LipSense Distributor?

I have received numerous questions from ladies wanting to know if they should become a distributor with LipSense/Senegence. Some of them are blogger friends, some are stay at home moms and some are homeschool mom. Well, guess what? I am all three of those! I thought I would answer some of the most frequently asked questions I get about becoming a LipSense distributor to help you make an informed decision. Questions like “Should I start my business?” and “How much…

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