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6 In Homeschooling

Our Homeschool Room Tour || 2020 || Minimal, Large Family

  Hi friends! It is that time of year when all the homeschool moms are in planning and organizing mode. And we love it, don’t we?? I just finished organizing our homeschool room for the upcoming school year and thought I would give you all a peek inside. I haven’t shared a homeschool room tour in a few years, and things have changed since then! I have added children, changed curriculum, changed houses, and have definitely learned to live with…

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2 In Natural Mom/ Pregnancy

First Trimester Must Haves For A Natural Pregnancy

In case you missed the announcement, I am pregnant with baby number EIGHT! As much as I can, I aim to have a natural pregnancy and birth each time. To help out all the new soon-to-be moms, I put together this list of my top first trimester must haves for a natural pregnancy.   While I love all of the excitement that comes with the first trimester, I don’t love some of the crazy symptoms. After sharing about some of…

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9 In Essential Oils/ Work From Home

Young Living Member Cost Options For You

YOUNG LIVING NEW MEMBER COST OPTIONS   I’m so glad you are interested in getting your family started with oils! It has literally changed my life in countless ways! You can read how NOW is the BEST time to join Young Living before you make your decision.    Since you don’t have a YLEO account yet, here are the cost options for getting started. EXCITING NEWS! As of the fall of 2021, you now do not need a membership to enjoy wholesale…

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4 In Keto Life

Easter Recipes For Your Keto Diet

EASTER RECIPES, PERFECT FOR YOUR KETO DIET Somehow, Easter is already quickly approaching and I’m finding it hard to believe! Easter also means it is birthday season for us, so to say it is a busy season is an understatement! Luckily, I have been following a Keto diet for some time now so holidays don’t stress me out the way they used to. I have plenty of Pinterest boards with my favorite recipes to choose from, so I can always…

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9 In Christmas - Simplify The Season/ Family

The Ultimate Gift Guide For Little Girls

Tis’ the most wonderful time of year! I love absolutely everything about the Christmas season. Having children just makes it all the more special!   However, I know that this time of year can also bringing some added stress…from financial stress to the worry about how you will get it all done. Well mama…one thing I can tell you… you don’t have to “get it all done!”  Your children won’t know the difference, and all they want is to share in…

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5 In Homeschooling

Environmental Science True North Academy || A Review

The environment is a hot topic these days. On one side there are the groups warning that the sky is falling, and the seas are rising, and the polar bears are dying. On the other side there are the groups that argue that the environment is fine, that the climate is cyclical, and that there’s nothing to worry about. As an adult it’s difficult to sift through the rhetoric of both sides to come to a balanced understanding and find…

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3 In Homeschooling

Exploring Nature With Children || Curriculum Review

On a recent homeschool birding hike, we loaded ID guides, nature journals, and binoculars into our packs to eagerly trek through forest and field. Maybe we were noisy or it was too late in the morning, but we had yet to find a single bird! As younger children searched for muddy tracks by the creek, an older child moved to a quieter place for birdwatching. Her patience paid off. She spotted a large owl perched in the trees. Everyone took…

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42 In Homemaking/ Motherhood/ Organizing/ Productivity

10 Habits of Highly Effective Homemakers

Growing up, I always knew I wanted to be a mom and a homemaker. I just wasn’t quite sure what my view of homemaking was. Growing up, we had multiple housekeepers to “keep” our home clean, so we only had some basic chores we were responsible for. I learned how to do the dishes and clean a bathroom, and how to do my own laundry. As you can imagine, my view of being a homemaker was a bit unrealistic! This…

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6 In Clean Household/ Essential Oils/ Homemaking

5 Ways to Practice Hygge For Self Care

Hygge is a Danish concept that can’t be translated into one English word. It is more used to describe a feeling of coziness and contentedness in life. Hygge is about living in the moment and spending quality time with loved ones. It’s about creating a peaceful, welcoming environment and cultivating connections. In many ways, hygge is about self-care, and some of its most important benefits to your health is that it can help you to reduce stress, increase your feelings…

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23 In Personal Growth/ Productivity/ Working From Home

25 Must Read Books For Personal Growth & Development

Whether you call it personal growth or personal development, self help or self improvement; the goal is the same. We want to grow and develop into the kind of person we know we can be.  There are many books out there promising to help you be more, do more, be less, do less. How do you know which ones you should invest in? Which personal growth books are worth your money and your time? Which personal development books will help…

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