6 In Homeschooling

A Review of Creative Littles || Homeschool Preschool

Are you looking for a preschool or kindergarten program to teach your child their alphabet? Look no further. Creative Littles is a great program for ALL kids. It is geared forwards ages 2-5 and can also be used for children who may have a learning disability. Have you ever heard that children learn the alphabet better if it is not taught in alphabetical order? Totally true! I learned this the hard way with my daughter, Isabella. I tried to teach her the alphabet the “normal” way, but she just couldn’t retain the information. I searched and searched the internet trying to find answers, and I found it!
“If you are looking for an engaging way to introduce your child to the world of letters, these printable sheets will become your child’s new best friend. They are cute & engaging and you can be sure they provide a thorough review of each letter. Laurie is so creative! This cohesive kit makes learning letters EASY! ” -Jodi

Why Creative Littles?

Creative Littles was formed to help children learn their alphabet in a multi-sensory approach. It combines a Montessori approach and worksheet-based approach. Creative Littles is a multi-sensory approach ALL children can use to learn their alphabet!   Creative Littles is a unique program because it really focuses on identifying and retaining the letters in the alphabet. For some children, it is really difficult to remember what they just learned. That was the case with my daughter. It didn’t matter how many times we went over and over the letter. She just couldn’t remember it. I looked to our  speech therapist and she told me it is actually a processing issue. She recommended playing games, such as memory to build stronger pathways in my daughter’s brain. We worked diligently playing memory games and other recall games. Soon the process started to work. It became easier for her to recall the letter she was working on! With the strengthening of her working memory and using this blended approach, Isabella was on her way to learning her alphabet.
Creative LIttles Page sample

What comes in Creative Littles?

There are 4 parts to this program. Each part is very important to building a strong fundamental base.
  • Upper Case Letters: Each letter has worksheets comprising of handwriting, drawing, and coloring.
  • Lower Case Letters: Each letter has worksheets comprising of handwriting, gluing and cutting, and coloring.
  • Games: Contains 10 Bingo cards and Flash Cards (Cards can be used for Flash Cards, Memory Game, and Go Fish)
  • Craft: Each letter has a letter that can be used as a Letter Placemat. This mat when laminated can be used to make letters with playdough, sand, shaving cream or even trace the letter with your finger.

In conclusion

Creative Littles is a great program for ALL kids. This program offers a multi-sensory approach that will set your child up for success. The best part of all is you will not have to scour the internet looking for multiple resources. You will not waste YOUR valuable time! This program can be used over and over again. Everything has been done for you!! It is ready to go for your school year! You can also this for siblings when they are ready for school. And if you have a toddler running around (because we all have) bored out of their mind because they “have to do school, too”, print them off some worksheets or games and let them have fun. It will not hurt anything, and it will keep them busy!!
Great Product! This is a fun alphabet program and just what my kids need. My oldest (in Kindergarten) is VERY artsy, she loves to color and draw. Just plain copy work or repetitive practice of writing is incredibly boring for her (as it is for most kids, I would imagine), so having the extra coloring/drawing aspect is PERFECT for her! My youngest is 3, and she is not quite to the right stage of attempting to trace or write letters, but I’m looking forward to using this with her too since she is very tactile and I think the extra game cards and cut/paste activities will be just what she needs!” -Judith
Laurie Shaw


  Creative Little Preschool

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  • Reply
    Hina Siddiqui
    June 7, 2019 at 2:34 am

    Most times it’s challenging to teach kids the alphabets. There has to be some creative and fun way to keep them engaged and have them learn. Creative little seems to solve the problem.

  • Reply
    June 7, 2019 at 7:36 am

    This sounds like a fun and creative way to teach the alphabet to your toddlers and preschoolers. We don’t homeschool, but I’m always looking for new and different literacy resources to use at home. Thanks!

  • Reply
    June 8, 2019 at 12:05 pm

    This program looks wonderful. That combination of activities is exactly how I taught my kids the alphabet…only I had to dig up all the different resources myself. This would be a great time saver…if only I had to teach the alphabet again…?

  • Reply
    June 9, 2019 at 12:15 pm

    Wish I had this when we were doing the alphabet! Looks fun!

  • Reply
    June 10, 2019 at 4:21 pm

    I love the hands-on approach to this program! What a great way to teach the alphabet!

  • Reply
    June 12, 2019 at 11:17 am

    How cute are these?! My daughter is 3 and will be going to preschool in the fall. These are perfect to teach her what she needs to know!

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