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overwhelmed to organized

0 In Bible Study

Finding Peace Amidst Chaos: How God’s Word Helps Overcome Overwhelm

In the midst of juggling family, work, and the chaos of everyday life, it’s all too easy to feel overwhelmed. As a mom, you might often find yourself questioning how to maintain your faith and composure when the world around you feels like it’s spinning out of control. The answer lies in remaining Deeply Rooted in God’s Word, a source of strength, wisdom, and solace that can help you conquer overwhelm.   The Power of God’s Word Psalm 119:105 (NIV)…

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11 In Homemaking/ Organizing/ Planning/ Productivity

Create an Evening Routine For a Better Morning

If you struggle in the morning, you may want to think about your evenings. What do I mean when I say that? Well, I have learned that in order to have a successful morning, I need to follow a specific evening routine. The success of my morning truly depends on what I do the night before. My routines have changed over the years, depending on the season of life I’m in, and my goals and intentions. But no matter what…

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33 In Homemaking/ Motherhood/ Organizing/ Productivity

Why You Need to Wake Before Your Kids

I can hear you all groaning right now… I know how you feel… As mothers, we are always on the go, always doing something for someone and hardly ever get time for ourselves. Well, that is just the point, my friends. We need time for ourselves each and every day. We need those few moments to restore our soul and feel refreshed. We need to fill up our cups so we can pour out into others.   Before we go…

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88 In Homemaking/ Motherhood/ Organizing/ Planning/ Productivity

Overwhelmed to Organized – Free Course

Simplify your Family @Just a Simple Home

So many moms ask me how I manage to “do it all.” I am a homeschooling mom to eight with two home businesses, and there is always something to do. Well, I have a confession to make. I do not have it all together. Truly, I don’t. I want to be more organized, more focused, more intentional, more this, more that. But I fail daily. I forget that I am not supposed to do it all, that I am supposed…

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0 In Organizing/ Productivity

3 Simple Ways to get More Organized TODAY

I seem to go through seasons where I feel the need to get organized NOW. Typically, it’s the start of a new year, and the start of school in September, and then there’s the start of summer. I don’t know why summer brings about my need to organize, but it does. Maybe it’s all the outside time we get – then I come inside and always feel like things are in disarray. Regardless of why, I am in one of…

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