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0 In Homeschooling

Get Your Homeschool Supplies Together With Free Printable

Back To Homeschool season isn’t quite here yet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t start planning! Part of planning means stocking up on school supplies and who doesn’t like that? My kids and I love going to the office supply store and stocking up for the year! And then they love when we go back again halfway through our year! Before we can actually do the shopping for school supplies, I make sure to sit down and make a list…

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0 In Family Travel/ Homeschooling

Simple Solutions to Homeschooling On The Road With Sonlight

Have you ever panicked a bit when you had life throw you a loop? Or when you were planning a family vacation and knew it wasn’t your scheduled homeschool break? Now, of course…part of the beauty of homeschooling is that we can be flexible and change things as needed. I have taken advantage of that countless times over the years! Over this past year, we have moved, lived in a hotel for awhile between houses, and have taken a few…

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1 In Homemaking/ Homeschooling/ Organizing

Free Grocery List Printable For Moms

Meal planning and grocery lists go hand in hand, right? I have explained a few times how important I think meal planning is, and having a list attached to that meal plan makes shopping that much easier. I don’t know about you, but I am way too busy to keep things in my head anymore! I always make my meal plan on Saturday and then make my grocery list right after. I keep it on my fridge throughout the week…

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4 In Homeschooling/ Organizing

Free Meal Planning Printable for Moms

If you’ve been around me for any length of time, you know I am a huge proponent for meal planning. I believe meal planning is crucial to the way my family functions.   When I do not take the time to sit down and meal plan for the week, even on a small scale, it throws the week into chaos and I can’t seem to ever catch up.   I take some time each Saturday and write out a meal…

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9 In Family/ Homeschooling/ Organizing

Free Housekeeping Checklist For Moms

I find as a homeschool mom, it is imperative to my sanity and the health of my family that I keep my home is somewhat of an orderly fashion. This doesn’t mean my home is Pinterest worthy – it isn’t, at all. But my home is a safe place for my family and I endeavor to create an atmosphere where they feel welcomed and comfortable.   Because I am a busy homeschooling mom of 8, with a home business, I…

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5 In Homeschooling

Plan Your Homeschool Month With A Monthly Focus Printable

It’s that time of year when we all breathe a little sigh of relief, knowing that summer is here. Or do we? I do tend to breathe a bit easier, but that could be out of excitement too. Spring and early summer is the time of year when I start to plan my next homeschool year. I love all the planning of it, from picking curriculum to watching sales for school supplies, to creating schedules. I don’t know about you,…

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20 In Homeschooling

Create a Homeschool Schedule That Works

Creating a homeschool schedule can feel like a daunting task, especially if you are a newer homeschool mom. It doesn’t have to be, though! I love all the planning and scheduling that goes into our homeschool…maybe that’s just me?   Now, there have been times and seasons where I am just flying by the seat of my pants, and we have gotten by just fine. However, as I have added more babies and more students into the fold, I have…

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5 In Homeschooling

Creating Your Homeschool Mission Statement and Goals

Mission Statements and Goals for your homeschool? Yes, hear me out. You do not need a Homeschool Mission Statement, but I can tell you that having one does give you a focus when times get tough. And times will get tough as a homeschool mom, that I can promise you. A family mission for our homeschool gives us a clear path as to why we homeschool and what our priorities are. It states our big picture goals for the education…

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6 In Homeschooling

Sonlight Box Day! | Opening Up Our Homeschool Curriculum

TODAY IS BOX DAY! What does that mean? In the homeschool world, it means we get to open our HUGE box of homeschool curriculum! Although we have homeschooled for 7 years, we have never had an official ‘box day’ as I have always pieced our curriculum together. So, today is our very first Sonlight box day and the kids couldn’t be more excited. We are so thankful to Sonlight for graciously giving us one all-subject package and I will be…

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2 In Book Lists/ Homeschooling

10 Must Read Books for Homeschool Moms

There are some books every homeschool mom needs to have in her library.    When we made the decision to homeschool twelve years ago, all I wanted to do was read and research. I am a researcher by nature, so I read all I could get my hands on and then some. I still read about various methods and approaches and learning styles, years later. I am always growing and my children and constantly changing, so it helps to have…

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