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0 In Homeschooling/ Personal Growth/ Productivity

5 Practical Strategies to Cultivate Wellness as a Homeschool Mom

I think I can consider myself more of a veteran homeschool mom, now that I have graduated my first child. We have homeschooled for 13 years now, and have been through numerous “seasons” as a homeschool family. I have learned a strategies about how to best cultivate wellness and take care of myself so that I can pour into my children in the ways God has put before me. I have been in seasons where self care is the last thing on…

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1 In Homeschooling

Free First Aid Printable Worksheet Bundle

As homeschool moms, we can sometimes get caught up in teaching the core subjects of reading, writing, math, history, science. While I absolutely believe in focusing on these core subjects when your children are young or in certain seasons, it is important to touch on some other ideas in our homeschool. Often times, things like first aid will come up in a natural conversation when it becomes necessary.   But having a few resources on hand when these natural conversations…

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0 In Homeschooling

How To Simplify Homeschool Planning When Your Current Plan Isn’t Working

Homeschool planning can be exciting and fun, especially when you first start your homeschool journey. It’s been said, after all, “People don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan.” While planning in a way that suits your learning and teaching style and your family’s personalities can be helpful, it should not enslave you. I’ve experienced times in our homeschool that were really overwhelming and left me feeling defeated, primarily because I had allowed the “open-and-go” plans to become the boss of…

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1 In Homeschooling

20 Watermelon Activities & Crafts For Kids

Check out this cool list of watermelon activities for kids! Kids of all ages will love trying out these watermelon ideas and activities and having fun this summer making crafts, experimenting, and learning!   This list includes 20 awesome watermelon activities with lots of fun ideas and watermelon themed activities to do with your kids this summer. There are watermelon activities you can do indoors or outdoors, watermelon crafts of all sorts, watermelon science activities, and watermelon learning activities. Your kids…

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10 In Homeschooling

An Honest Horizons Math Review

 Ensuring your child has a strong math foundation is crucial to later success. So often homeschool moms feel pressure to choose the “right” math curriculum for their child. What if they don’t understand it? What if I choose the wrong program and my child ends up hating math? So many questions! Well, today I’m going to answer those questions when it comes to Horizons Math from Alpha Omega. Let’s get started! This post contains affiliate links. What is Horizons? Horizons Math is…

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4 In Homeschooling

The Best Homeschool Math While Roadschooling

Homeschooling can be a wild ride all on it’s own, can’t it? There are so many hills and valleys and each day looks different from the next. Once we think we have a hold on our routine, something comes along and shakes us up again. That is what happened to my family over this last year. I had everything all planned out and things were rolling along, as seamlessly as possible. And then, we found ourselves roadschooling! If you have given…

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8 In Homeschooling

Free Homeschool Book Report Printables

As a homeschooling mom, sometimes I want to give my kids a fun way to work on comprehension and writing. A little something different than their usual Language Arts curriculum. My kids love filling out worksheets that are based around a season or a holiday, so I created some simple Book Report printables. These FREE Book Report forms are a nice way to ease your child into book reports or book reviews. They guide them in the writing and review process and…

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3 In Homeschooling

Tips To Start Your Homeschool Week On The Right Foot

Every week, I see the memes about how much people dread Mondays. I hear from moms who can’t wait to have their children back in school, and honestly, it makes me sad. Mondays may be my favorite day of the week. I love our lazy Saturdays and going to church on Sundays, but there is something about the fresh start of a Monday that brings me such joy. I’m so thankful that Monday doesn’t have to bring me trepidation as…

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9 In Homeschooling

The Good And The Beautiful Review || Level 6 Language Arts

You may have seen that we have been using The Good And The Beautiful curriculum in our homeschool for a little while now. My son uses and loves Sonlight and hopes to use their curriculum through high school. But my girls, especially the older ones, have been craving a little something different. After searching and researching, I came across The Good And The Beautiful and knew we had found a good fit. Jenny Phillips, the author of the curriculum, offers…

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0 In Homeschooling

Organizing Your Digital Homeschool Resources

If you have been homeschooling for any length of time, you likely have amassed a pile of digital resources. This could be homeschool curriculum, websites and login information, online classes or tutorials or a vast number of other things. I know in the beginning of my homeschool journey, I purchased a lot of digital curriculum, because I knew I could just print it out again for the next child when needed. I wish I had realized then that my lack…

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