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0 In Essential Oils/ Homemaking

Your Non Toxic Guide To Spring Cleaning

Spring is finally upon us, which means – spring cleaning! You might not want to do a whole home spring clean, but chances are you could benefit from a couple spring cleaning tasks. With the warmer weather, cheerful blossoms, and chirping birds comes a natural surge in energy and motivation to clear out the old and welcome the new.   We can see this philosophy manifest in nature, as liver-supportive herbs pop up in the form of dandelions and chickweed, and our…

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11 In Homemaking/ Organizing/ Planning/ Productivity

Create an Evening Routine For a Better Morning

If you struggle in the morning, you may want to think about your evenings. What do I mean when I say that? Well, I have learned that in order to have a successful morning, I need to follow a specific evening routine. The success of my morning truly depends on what I do the night before. My routines have changed over the years, depending on the season of life I’m in, and my goals and intentions. But no matter what…

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0 In Christmas - Simplify The Season

Simplify The Season in 5 Easy Ways

As I write this, holiday decorations are going up all over the place. I can already feel the strain of time as I think of shopping, cooking, and finishing our schoolwork before Christmas comes. People are already asking what our plans for the holidays are, and the truth is we don’t have any. My parents are divorced, and our sisters are far flung so family celebrations are difficult to schedule and keep us pretty busy come December. Then there are…

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0 In Christmas - Simplify The Season

6 Things To Declutter Before Christmas

My kids make me wait until November 1st to start the Christmas countdown…and then it’s full steam ahead! But with the Christmas creep, we’re barely over Labor Day when the retail industry has us feeling the sudden urge to start prepping and shopping for Christmas. But, wait! Don’t start shopping just yet. Christmas is the perfect excuse to declutter. Out with the old, in with the new. Prepare for the holiday shopping season with these…   6 Things to Declutter Before Christmas:    …

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17 In Christmas - Simplify The Season

Getting Organized For The Holiday Season

Once December arrives and we all realize that Christmas is right around the corner, the scurrying to get our homes organized for the holiday season begins. This can become overwhelming- trying to not only shop for gifts, decorate for the holiday season but also clean and organize your home for guests. I recommend getting an early start. Creating a holiday plan will help you will stay on track and enjoy the holidays more.   GET ORGANIZED FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON:…

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29 In Homemaking/ Organizing

How and Why to Start Meal Planning

Meal Plan- Busy Mom- Meal Prep - How to Meal Plan - How to Meal Prep

Moms, we hear it all the time, don’t we? The question that can make us sigh and roll our eyes or want to hide in a corner. We don’t know the answer today and we know we won’t have the answer tomorrow.   “Mom, what’s for dinner?”   If your house is anything like mine, the questions start around 10AM- right after they’ve had breakfast and a snack. As a homeschool mom, I love and encourage curious minds, but seriously?…

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40 In Family/ Homemaking/ Organizing/ Productivity

The 31 Day Declutter Challenge

**UPDATE: While we aren’t going through this Challenge together right now, you can still grab the printable and all the posts right here.** Friends, we are going to do something exciting and challenging together… For the whole month of July, we are going to DECLUTTER our WHOLE house in just a few minutes each day. I don’t know about you, but I have been feeling a little overwhelmed at the amount of stuff in all areas of my home. We used…

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0 In Organizing/ Productivity

3 Simple Ways to get More Organized TODAY

I seem to go through seasons where I feel the need to get organized NOW. Typically, it’s the start of a new year, and the start of school in September, and then there’s the start of summer. I don’t know why summer brings about my need to organize, but it does. Maybe it’s all the outside time we get – then I come inside and always feel like things are in disarray. Regardless of why, I am in one of…

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