Browsing Tag

meal plan

4 In Homeschooling/ Organizing

Free Meal Planning Printable for Moms

If you’ve been around me for any length of time, you know I am a huge proponent for meal planning. I believe meal planning is crucial to the way my family functions.   When I do not take the time to sit down and meal plan for the week, even on a small scale, it throws the week into chaos and I can’t seem to ever catch up.   I take some time each Saturday and write out a meal…

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0 In Christmas - Simplify The Season

How To Manage Your Meals This Holiday Season

The holiday season has a weird way of stressing us out.  There’s so much involved, and sometimes it can be overwhelming to conquer our to-do lists.  Whether it’s the traditions we want to carry on or new ideas and self expectations, the load is a heavy one.  And of all the heavy loads, holiday feasts might be the greatest. When you think of the holiday season, food is at the center. From Thanksgiving to holiday parties to Christmas Eve and…

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13 In Food & Recipes/ Healthy Living

What is the Pegan Diet?

I have always had a passion for health and nutrition. I went to school for pre med and ended up switching to nutrition. After school, my interest only increased and I found myself fascinated by how our bodies were made to use food. We can do so much for our health just by changing what we put into our bodies. Our bodies were made to heal themselves! I won’t get on my soap box right now, but if you ever…

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