Browsing Tag

intentional living

15 In Food & Recipes/ Healthy Living/ Personal Growth

5 Ways to Mindfully Improve Your Diet in 5 Minutes or Less

We’ve all been there- drawn in by the lure of the “next best” diet only to find ourselves overwhelmed by the time and resources required to make this big change. And, so we do nothing. What if there were some simple habits that you could complete in just a few minutes that would improve how you eat without a major overhaul? Below you will find 5 ways that you can mindfully improve your diet in 5 minutes or less. This…

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40 In Personal Growth/ Productivity

The Importance of Taking Time to Refocus

I know I am not alone when I say that sometimes I feel I wear too many hats – mother of 8, wife, teacher, business owner, volunteer, group leader…I love all my roles, but it can be difficult to know where to put my focus at times. I can get overwhelmed and then find myself only giving half heartedly to each role. I like to call myself multi-passionate. Over the years, I’ve met many other entrepreneur moms like me who…

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88 In Homemaking/ Motherhood/ Organizing/ Planning/ Productivity

Overwhelmed to Organized – Free Course

Simplify your Family @Just a Simple Home

So many moms ask me how I manage to “do it all.” I am a homeschooling mom to eight with two home businesses, and there is always something to do. Well, I have a confession to make. I do not have it all together. Truly, I don’t. I want to be more organized, more focused, more intentional, more this, more that. But I fail daily. I forget that I am not supposed to do it all, that I am supposed…

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