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hotel reviews

6 In Family Travel

The Perfect Hotel For Families || The Residence Inn

Before we had children, my husband an I used to travel quite frequently. Most people think of romantic, sunny beaches when they think of traveling; we have always enjoyed visiting cities. There’s just something about the vibrancy of cities that has always appealed to us. As we started adding children, we realized that traveling can be quite the undertaking, never mind traveling to cities! We really didn’t want to give up traveling, so as our family has grown, we have…

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12 In Family Travel

A Review of The Inn At St. Botolph | Boston

Traveling with a large family can be difficult, especially in cities. We love to travel as a family, as always have. We started traveling as a couple and have continued to travel, no matter how many kids we have added. The only thing that gets a bit difficult is finding hotels that can accommodate larger families. When I found we were going to Boston, I started my research and found The Inn at St. Botolph, located behind the Hynes Convention…

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