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5 In Homeschooling

All About Spelling || A Review & GIVEAWAY!

I have been wanting to try All About Spelling for several years and last summer I decided this would be the year. At first, I only planned to use the program with my youngest two children and purchased another spelling program for the older four. One of the reasons it took me so long to bite the bullet and buy All About Spelling was that it is not an independent program; you need to sit and teach each student. And spelling…

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4 In Homeschooling

The Best Homeschool Math While Roadschooling

Homeschooling can be a wild ride all on it’s own, can’t it? There are so many hills and valleys and each day looks different from the next. Once we think we have a hold on our routine, something comes along and shakes us up again. That is what happened to my family over this last year. I had everything all planned out and things were rolling along, as seamlessly as possible. And then, we found ourselves roadschooling! If you have given…

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