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0 In Bible Study/ Homeschooling

10 Plagues Coloring Pack for Kids

10 Plagues of Egypt Coloring Pack These coloring pages are designed for elementary age, but you can use your discretion and use them with any age you think would enjoy them. Coloring is a relaxing activity for any age and can even improve retention when listening to someone read. I like the give the younger kids some coloring pages when I am working with some of my olders kids during our homeschool mornings. This post contains affiliate links.   You’ll…

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0 In Essential Oils/ Homemaking

Your Non Toxic Guide To Spring Cleaning

Spring is finally upon us, which means – spring cleaning! You might not want to do a whole home spring clean, but chances are you could benefit from a couple spring cleaning tasks. With the warmer weather, cheerful blossoms, and chirping birds comes a natural surge in energy and motivation to clear out the old and welcome the new.   We can see this philosophy manifest in nature, as liver-supportive herbs pop up in the form of dandelions and chickweed, and our…

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25 In Homeschooling

A Review of RightStart Math

As a former Math teacher now homeschooling my own children, I’ve eagerly and thoroughly scoured Math curriculum offerings at homeschool conventions and through online homeschool group recommendations. This post contains affiliate links. I headed into my search armed with the following knowledge: What I did not want: a traditional textbook worksheets and tests I’ve taught from half a dozen variations on that theme, and the only one that I felt did any justice to the depth and wonder of Math was…

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11 In Homeschooling

Rooted Childhood Curriculum Review

Rooted Childhood includes 12 monthly collections filled with inspiration and meaningful ways to connect with your young children through meaningful craft projects, stories, and song. Each collection includes an introduction that outlines the “why” behind the philosophy and explains how to use Rooted Childhood. The introduction also includes several printable planning pages and checklists to make sure your family rhythm and mindset are solid before you begin. This post contains affiliate links. What is Rooted Childhood? When many people think…

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1 In Homemaking/ Homeschooling/ Organizing

Free Grocery List Printable For Moms

Meal planning and grocery lists go hand in hand, right? I have explained a few times how important I think meal planning is, and having a list attached to that meal plan makes shopping that much easier. I don’t know about you, but I am way too busy to keep things in my head anymore! I always make my meal plan on Saturday and then make my grocery list right after. I keep it on my fridge throughout the week…

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4 In Homeschooling

4th Of July Copywork Pack || Limited Time Freebie!

July is right around the corner! I know many of us are not in school during the month of July, but that doesn’t mean our children can’t keep up with some skills! Even when we are not “in school” my children still read and write every day. And when there are fun worksheets and projects presented, they love doing them, no matter the month! So, I try to always have educational things on hand for them to pick up at…

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88 In Homemaking/ Motherhood/ Organizing/ Planning/ Productivity

Overwhelmed to Organized – Free Course

Simplify your Family @Just a Simple Home

So many moms ask me how I manage to “do it all.” I am a homeschooling mom to eight with two home businesses, and there is always something to do. Well, I have a confession to make. I do not have it all together. Truly, I don’t. I want to be more organized, more focused, more intentional, more this, more that. But I fail daily. I forget that I am not supposed to do it all, that I am supposed…

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