The environment is a hot topic these days. On one side there are the groups warning that the sky is falling, and the seas are rising, and the polar bears are dying. On the other side there are the groups that argue that the environment is fine, that the climate is cyclical, and that there’s nothing to worry about. As an adult it’s difficult to sift through the rhetoric of both sides to come to a balanced understanding and find…
On a recent homeschool birding hike, we loaded ID guides, nature journals, and binoculars into our packs to eagerly trek through forest and field. Maybe we were noisy or it was too late in the morning, but we had yet to find a single bird! As younger children searched for muddy tracks by the creek, an older child moved to a quieter place for birdwatching. Her patience paid off. She spotted a large owl perched in the trees. Everyone took…
My kids are budding scientists. Nearly every afternoon you will find us carefully mixing household items, creating charts, or dissecting small bits of God’s creation. From my four year old carefully putting paper clips onto a foil boat and watching them float to my 11 year old learning Greek and Latin roots describing plants, Apologia is hands down my favorite science curriculum. This post contains affiliate links. Presently, we are working through Apologia Botany and I am enjoying it just as…
In this house, we love science. Discovering how things work, how they function, playing with ingredients, memorizing the elements of the Periodic Table, assembling boxes of physics activities, and performing chemistry experiments, reading on plate tectonics or atomic theory – we’ve done a little bit of everything over the years. And it’s not because dad is a doctor; he likes a break from his work and ironically, his passion is history. This post contains affiliate links. My second daughter is…