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language arts

0 In Homeschooling

Analytical Grammar || Curriculum Review

Review of Analytical Grammar Analytical Grammar is our favorite program for high school English. I met the late author of the program, Robin Finley at a homeschool conference. She spent time with my oldest son and I in showing us the program and how it worked. My son was hooked on her statement of “all you need is this program and finish it in one year and then you do not need grammar for the rest of the high school…

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3 In Homeschooling

Bravewriter Help For High School || Curriculum Review

One of the most daunting challenges of teaching high school at home is writing. Maybe it’s because so much seems to ride on the all-important “College essay!” We certainly don’t want our kids to mess that up. Or maybe it’s because we remember the dreaded red ink pen markings all over the essays we submitted as teenagers, slashing and striking through our carefully crafted thoughts and ideas. Even now the thought of a teacher tearing through a piece of writing…

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5 In Homeschooling

All About Spelling || A Review & GIVEAWAY!

I have been wanting to try All About Spelling for several years and last summer I decided this would be the year. At first, I only planned to use the program with my youngest two children and purchased another spelling program for the older four. One of the reasons it took me so long to bite the bullet and buy All About Spelling was that it is not an independent program; you need to sit and teach each student. And spelling…

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6 In Homeschooling

A Review Of WriteShop 1 & 2

I’m one of those homeschooling mamas that hears, “WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!” when I think about using a pre-made, detailed curriculum. So, when I was approached to try Write Shop, I was a little reluctant.   I wasn’t sure what I would be getting myself (or my son) into, but I told myself – either it will work, or it won’t. Well, I’m happy to tell you that it is working! With this subject being one of our son’s advanced areas,…

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