Every week, I see the memes about how much people dread Mondays. I hear from moms who can’t wait to have their children back in school, and honestly, it makes me sad. Mondays may be my favorite day of the week. I love our lazy Saturdays and going to church on Sundays, but there is something about the fresh start of a Monday that brings me such joy. I’m so thankful that Monday doesn’t have to bring me trepidation as…
When my oldest was entering 3rd grade we pulled our kids out of public school and decided to homeschool. I knew absolutely nothing about it. Thankfully, we live in a community with plenty of homeschoolers and veteran homeschool moms who gave me all kinds of juicy advice, and now I’m here to share them with you. These are 8 essential things that all homeschooling moms need to know, and I know they will bless you on your homeschooling journey. 8…
Although we have been homeschooling for nine years already, math has always been one of those subjects that has been a bit of a struggle. I have used some great math programs that worked well for awhile, and some that we gave up on quickly after starting. One math program that I always wanted to try was Teaching Textbooks, but the price prevented me from taking the plunge. With a large family, I just couldn’t spend that much on one…
We have now used Sonlight curriculum for a full year and have thoroughly enjoyed it! I wish it didn’t take me so long to make the switch to Sonlight, but homeschooling is a journey full of learning for us moms too! Before I started using Sonlight, I know I had heard so many myths about Sonlight curriculum and they were a bit off putting. So, today I am sharing those myths with you and giving you my opinion on them!…
You may have seen that we have been using The Good And The Beautiful curriculum in our homeschool for a little while now. My son uses and loves Sonlight and hopes to use their curriculum through high school. But my girls, especially the older ones, have been craving a little something different. After searching and researching, I came across The Good And The Beautiful and knew we had found a good fit. Jenny Phillips, the author of the curriculum, offers…
Creating a weekly homeschool schedule can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! The first few years we homeschooled, I was flying by the seat of my pants. I thought I wasn’t really a schedule kind of person and therefore, my children weren’t either. Turns out, I was wrong. It took me a few years to find a rhythm and routine that flowed well for our family. Once I found what works, I can’t tell you the…
If you have any homeschool curriculum that takes a lot of preparing, you’ll appreciate this printable. Without fail, every year I have a stack of papers that need to be laminated and an even bigger stack that needs to be copied. When you are teaching multiple students, the photocopying can seem never ending! To be honest, I don’t actually mind the laminating. There’s something soothing about it to me, and the kids love seeing the papers transform in the laminator.…
If you have been homeschooling for any length of time, you likely have amassed a pile of digital resources. This could be homeschool curriculum, websites and login information, online classes or tutorials or a vast number of other things. I know in the beginning of my homeschool journey, I purchased a lot of digital curriculum, because I knew I could just print it out again for the next child when needed. I wish I had realized then that my lack…
Back To Homeschool season isn’t quite here yet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t start planning! Part of planning means stocking up on school supplies and who doesn’t like that? My kids and I love going to the office supply store and stocking up for the year! And then they love when we go back again halfway through our year! Before we can actually do the shopping for school supplies, I make sure to sit down and make a list…
Have you ever panicked a bit when you had life throw you a loop? Or when you were planning a family vacation and knew it wasn’t your scheduled homeschool break? Now, of course…part of the beauty of homeschooling is that we can be flexible and change things as needed. I have taken advantage of that countless times over the years! Over this past year, we have moved, lived in a hotel for awhile between houses, and have taken a few…