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essential oils

11 In Clean Household/ Essential Oils

Simply Earth Essential Oils Review

You all know how much I love my essential oils. I have talked about them for a couple years on the blog. We have used essential oils in our home for the last five years now, and it has been life changing. While I do have one brand I have used and loved for years, I will be honest and say that sometimes…those other essential oils are just out of our budget for the month. However, because we really do…

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6 In Essential Oils

Why and How to Diffuse Essential Oils in Your Home

Why Diffuse Essential Oils It’s been many years since I have used artificial fragrances in my home. We started using cleaner products many years ago, when our first child was born, and continued learning from there. Now, I get almost an instant headache when I walk into a store or down an aisle filled with fragrances. I used to love walking into Yankee Candle and browsing for a long time, but now it is hard for me to even walk past…

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6 In Clean Household/ Essential Oils/ Homemaking

5 Ways to Practice Hygge For Self Care

Hygge is a Danish concept that can’t be translated into one English word. It is more used to describe a feeling of coziness and contentedness in life. Hygge is about living in the moment and spending quality time with loved ones. It’s about creating a peaceful, welcoming environment and cultivating connections. In many ways, hygge is about self-care, and some of its most important benefits to your health is that it can help you to reduce stress, increase your feelings…

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12 In Healthy Living/ Motherhood

Stay Healthy With Kids During The Winter

Staying healthy with kids during the winter is hard for anyone. If you are a mom of little ones, it can seem impossible. If you are a mom of lots of little people, it can seem…daunting, to say the least. Thankfully, my family has been pretty healthy over the years. We only caught the flu once a few years ago, and it was the B strain, which is the milder of the two. We do get colds and some respiratory…

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4 In Essential Oils

Earn A FREE Essential Oil Starter Kit!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have heard of essential oils. Maybe you haven’t taken the plunge because you haven’t done enough research yet. I get that. But maybe you haven’t because you think they are too expensive? If that is you, let me tell you how you can earn a free essential oil starter kit! Interested? The Young Living Premium Starter Kit is a FAVORITE of many, with me included! As far as I’m concerned, it is…

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16 In Essential Oils

10 Amazing Uses for Lavender Essential Oil

We keep Lavender essential oil well stocked in our home. I go through more of this oil than any other and I love it. You might be surprised when you smell therapeutic grade lavender essential oil because of it’s potency and plant-like scent. It is amazing. Lavender is known as the “swiss army knife” of essential oils because of the wide variety of amazing uses and benefits. Moms, you don’t want to run out of lavender! Put it on your…

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20 In Essential Oils

How I Use Essential Oils for Emotional Support

Essential oils have been a huge part of my life for many years now. One of the main ways I use essential oils is to support my emotions. I am a busy homeschooling mom, a business owner, and hey… I’m female! Give me all the emotional support, right?! I truly believe every mom needs essential oils in her life. I love seeing how other moms use essential oils and hearing their stories of how they have changed the environment in…

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16 In Essential Oils/ Motherhood

How I Naturally Support My Energy

I may be abnormal in that I look forward to the start of a new week. But, I have found that what I focus on expands. Isn’t that true? I know, I don’t have to go to work on Monday mornings. But I do have 7 children with boundless energy and we homeschool, so all that energy is with me I still find reasons to be happy at the start of a week. However, my energy is not unlimited…

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55 In Essential Oils

Why and How to Use Essential Oils

Friends, if you haven’t heard about essential oils, you may be living in a cave. Am I right? Essential oils are getting a lot of attention lately…and for good reason. I started using essential oils about five years ago, when I was suffering from the worst sinus infection ever. I was pregnant with our sixth baby at the time, and didn’t want to use antibiotics, so I went on the hunt for something natural. And that started me and my…

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