0 In Motherhood

Baby Feeding Advice From Professionals

This post is sponsored by Happy Family Brands but the content and all opinions expressed are my own.


I firmly believe that every mom needs community. That may come in different forms, but the intent is still the same. Motherhood is tough, whether you have one child or ten children. It doesn’t get easier with each child, trust me. Some things do, yes. But not all the things. Even after seven kids, I still find myself with questions. Each child is unique and my parenting has evolved over the years.



Questions abound…questions like “when do they do this?” or “what are some options for first solid foods?” Questions about when they should be hitting certain milestones or about my postpartum hormones, or what they should be learning…the list of questions is endless. When one questions gets answered, another one forms. Right? That is why having a good support system is so crucial for moms! We all have different experiences and strengths and we can use those to build each other up!



I was so thankful to hear that Happy Family Organics has recently launched a free live chat service for moms on their website, HappyFamilyOrganics.com! This live chat service allows moms and dads to receive free advice on any feeding questions they may have. The Happy Mama Mentors are available 8am–8pm (EST) Mon-Fri & 8am–4pm (EST) Sat-Sun. Happy Family’s team of experts, the Happy Mama Mentors, are all registered dietitians, lactation specialists and are certified in infant and maternal nutrition. Plus, they are all moms! Talk about a community to build up confidence as a mom!

You can go on their site and chat with one of the Happy Mama Mentors and ask any questions related to what to feed your children, how to feed them, when to give certain food items, and a long variety of other things and they will be able to walk you through your concerns and give practical advice. It is such a needed platform and one I am so thankful for!


I encourage you to try it for yourself and chat with a Happy Mama Mentor today. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the wealth of information you can receive from them, even if you are a mom of many.

I’d love to know what types of things have been frustrating to you as a mom when it comes to feeding your baby or toddler? Is it breastfeeding related, or food related? Both things can cause a lot of mom stress! Let me know in the comments, and I’ll be sure to share any tips I have if we have come across that.

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